Improve Your Smile With Dental Implants
Dental Implants are an important dental treatment procedure, and the go-to when dealing with lost teeth. Without being judgmental or rude, everyone noticing a missing tooth or teeth or a holey, incomplete smile. When there are unsightly gaps or teeth that are significantly damaged, it can alter a smile to the point one discreetly hiding it their entire life. They are conscious of how it looks. Unnaturally keep their mouth closed at every possible moment. Heck, they even laugh and smile while keeping their lips together so no one can see.
At Abbotsford Dental, we feel that such a scenario is not a great way to live.
Not only are you always uneasy and aware of your imperfect smile while lacking the confidence to genuinely interact with others, deciding to do little about it can affect other areas of your life as well. The plight of damaged or missing teeth, in fact, may be serious enough to alter even your emotional health in ways that will only accumulate over time. To not be able to laugh and smile freely while always worrying about the condition and appearance of your mouth, is not a healthy psychological state to be in.
At Abbotsford Dental, we can assuredly fix that.
When the psychological aspects involved with missing or severely damaged teeth are considered, it is little wonder that such an issue can transcend the superficial realms of being an aesthetic problem and enter more dangerous and meddling waters of turning into either depression or anxiety. In fact, at Abbotsford Dental, and while focusing heavily on a holistic approach, we hold firmly on to the premise of a healthy mouth being a reflection of a strong and healthy mind, in where if you are not burdened with worry or insecurity in regards to how others see you or how you look in photos, you are well on your way to being happier.
Less stress, in whichever capacity, ultimately means better mental and physical health in the long run.
So what’s involved with Dental Implants?
It’s a common question, and something that obviously you will have to seriously consider before booking the consultation with one of our dental professionals here at Abbotsford Dental.
You may even be scratching your head right at this minute, asking yourself, “how can Dental Implants help me?”
The answer revolves around dental technology and just how far it has excitingly advanced over the last few decades. We will spare you the long and drawn out details here, but as a result of living in the most advanced and technologically savvy age in human history, the results of having implant work today (something that once was rather primitive) provides you with results that will most likely exceed your expectations, even if the current state of your teeth are poor or worse.
Dental implants are truly a life-changer, life-saver, and something that can be yours today. In their basic definition, dental implants are nothing more than artificial replacements for your current teeth, but they also serve another, perhaps more important purpose. They will obviously improve your smile and restore your confidence, that much is true, but dental implants also create crucial replacements for the roots of missing teeth that aren’t there anymore, either. The foundation of anything is always important, and it’s no different with this particular form of treatment.
With a solid anchor that fuses with your actual jaw bone, in fact, your dental implants will be inserted firmly in place while looking completely natural, untampered with, and generally undetectable. The utility of dental implants is very favourable too, and can be used to replace a single, troublesome tooth, several single teeth throughout different parts of your mouth, or even multiple teeth at a time. If the need is there, maybe through aging or trauma, partial or full dentures permanently attached to your jaw are also an option which will see them replace entire sections of missing teeth.

Beautiful Smile with Dental implants
Ultimately, dental implants can replace your once beautiful smile, with a new, equally impressive version. Considering the technology involved, the success rates of such a procedure, and the professional care you will be afforded at the Abbotsford dental clinic, there’s never been a better time to have your damaged smile repaired and restored to something you are proud to show the entire world.
Start smiling today!
What happens before we start?
There’s a fair bit of groundwork to do to prepare for the surgery, considering your implants are going to be customized for your mouth and your mouth alone. It is in this part of the process that we will be our most thorough. When you visit Abbotsford Dental, in fact, you will need to firstly undergo a basic check-up that analyses the amount of damage presently there,
allows the dentist to make a call on any other teeth that may need similar treatment, and of course, to determine the type of implants that are going to be the best fit for your needs. In addition to the important information we will initially gather, you will undergo dental x-rays that not only survey the structure of your teeth but will also offer clarity and vital imaging in relation to what your mouth looks like and the types of spaces your dentist will be closely working with. Together, it will be collated and used to create the implants in order to makes sure they fit perfectly in your mouth and make your teeth look as strong, as vibrant, and as healthy, as they used to…or perhaps even better.
The Three-Part process Involved with Dental Implants
As the heading suggests, and after the initial preparation and imaging work is completed, receiving your dental implants is a three-part process. As an important little morsel of information, it is reassuring to know that no matter how extensive the work, how unique, or how challenging, the process will remain as straightforward and as familiar as possible, and understanding how it all works, can certainly calm a few nerves.
Part 1:
Part one is all about the jaw implants. These and implanted into the top of the jaw bone deep in the gums, and a screw is put in each one to prevent food debris from entering and causing dry sockets or possible infections. The goal here is to get the implant (made from titanium or another type of metal that is safe to have in the body) to fuse with the upper part of the jaw bone.
Interesting, hey?
This happens naturally and on its own, but if the old teeth have been removed and it has been a while since that has happened, you may have to deal with getting bone grafted since the jaw bone underneath where you used to have teeth can disappear over time in some situations.
Don’t sweat it.
Normally the process takes 3 to 6 months for the implant to fuse with the jaw bone, and during that time the gums will be secured over the implant to set the base for phase two.
Part 2:
Post Extensions Are Attached to the implants in the jawbone and are the base for the artificial teeth. Next comes the posts. These are extensions that are attached to the anchored implants. These are where the custom cut artificial teeth are going to sit on to help restore that healthy and lovely smile. The post sits there until the gum tissue heals around it, and this allows the implant and post to act as a solid foundation for the new tooth, and the gums will naturally surround it like they do the other teeth in your mouth.
Many patients point to this as one of the more uncomfortable parts of the process, but it is well worth it for the restoration work that follows. This process generally doesn’t take nearly as long as part one, meaning the process actually feels like it speeds up at this point, bringing you closer to your perfect replacement teeth and the smile that will undoubtedly follow.
Part 3:
Proper Crowns Are Attached Once the full foundation is ready. From there, it is then time to get the proper crowns attached to finish off the surgery. This will ensure that your artificial teeth will last decades with relatively little maintenance. The goal here is to make your overall smile as natural, healthy-looking, and aesthetically pleasing as possible. By taking a big picture approach you won’t have to worry about an individual tooth looking out of place or those artificial replacement teeth being obviously fake in a way that is noticeable.
Once the proper crowns are attached, your smile will beam and inherit the glow and vibrancy that it once had. at that moment and ready to go. You’re ready to eat, to socialize, to laugh genuinely with your mouth open without having the anxiety and worry of an imperfect of unsightly smile.
This is the final part of the process, the finish line, and the one that, as a patient, you have spent months working on and ultimately waiting for.
If you are considering tooth implants, will need you to come into our Abbotsford Dental clinic for a thorough check-up and clean to identify the foundation and work through the best solution. Our specialist dentist needs to work through the blood vessels, nerves & bone tissue for the best results, so let’s begin as soon as possible.
At Abbotsford Dental, our implants have a huge success rate. They are popular, mainstream, and while you’re the health of your gums & the surrounding tissue is individually assessed, the process of dental implant treatment is usually always straight forward.