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All Posts in Category: Dental Care

Abbotsford Dental checkup

Do I Really Need a Dental Clean?

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably questioning the value of a dental checkup and clean. Maybe you’re struggling to squeeze an appointment into your schedule, or perhaps you’re grappling with a fear of the dentist. Maybe you noticed you’re several months overdue for a dental clean and that your teeth remain intact, nevertheless. All […]

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tonsil stones

Unveiling the Mystery of Tonsil Stones: What You Need To Know

Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, may sound like something from a horror movie — but they’re a relatively common and generally harmless occurrence. They certainly don’t constitute a dental emergency, but they can be a source of discomfort, embarrassment, and even bad breath. So, what exactly are tonsil stones, and how can you deal […]

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What Does Abbotsford Dental Clinic Offer for Smile Transformation?

Abbotsford Dental Clinic is your one-stop shop for a comprehensive range of dental services. Whether you need a standard checkup and clean or a full smile transformation, we have the resources and services you need to smile with confidence. The ultimate dental touchpoint for many Melburnians, Abbotsford Dental Clinic is accessible for central and inner […]

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Do You Have Bad Breath

Do You Have Bad Breath?

What you need to know about bad breath Bad breath is not something you want. Ever. It is noticeable. Embarrassing. And something that reflects poorly on your health, both orally and overall. There is also being the butt of other’s jokes, and no one likes to be made fun of. With all that being said, […]

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Do you need teeth cleaning? Yellow teeth | Abbotsford Dental before and after images

The Best 9 Tips to Prevent Yellow Teeth

In today’s society, having pearly white teeth has become a focal point. Having white teeth gives us confidence when we smile and are talking to others. We all know that brushing and flossing are important in helping to maintain white teeth, but over time, our teeth can become discolored. guys will take my lunch and […]

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Top 5 Toothbrushes Dentists Recommend

Top 5 Toothbrushes Dentists Recommend

A good many people don’t give serious thoughts about visiting the dentist as frequently as recommended. Yet we tend to eat some food that encourages the growth of bacteria in your mouth and on our teeth. With the infrequent dental check-ups and personal habits that are nowhere close to exemplary, it is a good idea […]

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top 5 toothpastes dentists love

Top 5 Toothpastes Dentists Love

When you walk into any supermarket today to buy a toothpaste, you will find yourself in a sea of multiple options. Rows upon rows of different toothpaste brands on the shelves. Unless you have a preference; you will be dazzled with the many, enticing promotional texts on each toothpaste brand. Every company wants to attract […]

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Dental Bridge Repair

When You Need Dental Bridge Repair?

Oral care is something that needs to be practised at all ages. Irrespective of whether people are young or old, dental hygiene is an issue of utmost importance. People tend to lose their teeth for many reasons, internal and external. When one or more teeth are lost, people resort to medical assistance. They submit themselves […]

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Denture Care Methods

7 Denture Care Methods to Understand and Implement

Dentures help us when we lose our original teeth to ageing and various other factors. It is important that we take good care of these dentures mainly for enjoying good health and mouth. A healthy mouth is represented by bright looking teeth and gums. Here are some denture care tips that will take oral hygiene […]

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how to take care of dentures

Top Tips to Take Care of Your Dentures

Improper dental hygiene can lead you towards the path of artificial dentures. Whether partial or full, dentures need a methodical cleaning regime to keep them safe from plaque. In this article, we will talk about the process of caring for dentures, maintaining, and storing them. Avoid these On Dentures Dentures can spoil without proper care. […]

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