From the very first day when you walk into the dentist office, you think to yourself, this is going to suck! If you’re in good hands it makes it so much easier. The Orthodontist makes the difference to Invisalign’s success and failure. If he is ambitious and thorough, you will most likely succeed through the Invisalign treatment. If he double books patients, tells you to come back, and you can’t get a hold of him when your mouth hurts, then your Orthodontist is lame; get a new one.
Tip #1:
Make sure you have a good Orthodontist or Invisalign provider. Nothing is worse then when you’re in the middle of treatment and Dr. Smith can’t make time for you and there is nothing better when a dentist is professional and caring and you like coming in for check-ups.
If you truly want to enhance your self-esteem and quality of life then capturing your dental health needs is essential. It is a great self-satisfying reward when you complete the Invisalign treatment and have a new beautiful smile. In order to do this aligners are a huge factor to your success. (aligners are the Invisalign molds on your mouth).
Tip #2:
Keep your aligners in! Since they are removable, patients think they can just remove them anytime they want. The treatment will be shorter, and lot less painful if you keep the aligners in. We have had people go months behind in treatment because their teeth go back to where they were, all because they too their aligners out.
They come out. Take them out, but don’t abuse it. Dentists recommend 20 hrs a day for Invisalign to stay in. This one is not really a tip but you need to know this before you get Invisalign.
Tip #3:
Invisalign Aligners have a thing called “buttons” that are attached to your teeth and then the aligners. These are “ATTACHED” to your teeth. They are usually attached in the back and on the sides, but sometimes they are attached on one of your two front teeth, and that makes the invisible aligners a lot more visible. Talk to your orthodontist and see if there is a way to avoid it. If not, don’t fret, it doesn’t look horrible it is just more visible.
This one is a no brainer.
Tip #4:
Brush your teeth and your aligners on a regular basis. The aligners can get plaque built up on them pretty bad. (More than you would think). This makes them not very invisible. Brush them. Don’t buy Invisalign’s cleaning tool kit. It is too expensive and there is a lot of ways you can clean your aligners without it. One great way is to purchase a denture cleaning product like Efferdent and clean the aligners with that.
Tip #5:
Be patient with Invisalign. It can be a long process if you have a messed up mouth and even longer if you are not patient with the treatment. Invisalign is a great product when used properly with the right Orthodontist. Keep these things in mind when looking for a dentist and deciding on Invisalign.
Courtesy of by Blake Abel