address201 Nicholson Street Abbotsford VIC 3067

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 5pm
  Contact : 03 9410 1077

All posts by Blank Theory

causes of tooth pain

Causes of Tooth Pain & What You Can Do About It

Have you ever experienced tooth decay or even a tooth abscess? If you’re nodding your head yes, chances are you’ve experienced tooth pain. Tooth pain — or toothache — can have different causes, despite causing soreness or sensitivity in the same locality. These causes can concern the tooth’s inner wiring (aka the nerves), the tooth’s […]

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Abbotsford Dental checkup

Do I Really Need a Dental Clean?

If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably questioning the value of a dental checkup and clean. Maybe you’re struggling to squeeze an appointment into your schedule, or perhaps you’re grappling with a fear of the dentist. Maybe you noticed you’re several months overdue for a dental clean and that your teeth remain intact, nevertheless. All […]

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tonsil stones

Unveiling the Mystery of Tonsil Stones: What You Need To Know

Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, may sound like something from a horror movie — but they’re a relatively common and generally harmless occurrence. They certainly don’t constitute a dental emergency, but they can be a source of discomfort, embarrassment, and even bad breath. So, what exactly are tonsil stones, and how can you deal […]

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emergency dental services

Tips & Tricks From After-Hours Emergency Dentists

Dental emergencies are never fun. Whether you’re experiencing an intense toothache or have sustained dental trauma, chances are you’ll need professional intervention sooner rather than later. If a dental emergency falls outside of standard operating hours, that’s where an after-hours emergency dentist comes in. If you’re currently in the throes of a dental emergency — […]

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What Does Abbotsford Dental Clinic Offer for Smile Transformation?

Abbotsford Dental Clinic is your one-stop shop for a comprehensive range of dental services. Whether you need a standard checkup and clean or a full smile transformation, we have the resources and services you need to smile with confidence. The ultimate dental touchpoint for many Melburnians, Abbotsford Dental Clinic is accessible for central and inner […]

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Same Day Dental Crowns

Tips for Choosing a Dental Clinic That You Can Trust

In Melbourne’s inner city alone, there are a wealth of dental services available, from Fitzroy to Kew. With a clinic on every corner of almost every suburb, Melbourne has enough dentists to rival their total cafe count. But does quantity necessarily mean quality, or do you need to work to find a dentist you can […]

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dental crown | Dentist Abbotsford

How Same-Day Dental Crowns Work & Why You Should Consider Them?

What sets same-day dental crowns apart from their original counterparts? Essentially, it all boils down to CEREC® (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) methodology, which condenses the entire process — from preparation to completion — into two hours. Considering that the traditional method of producing and placing dental crowns can take weeks, you can save […]

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Dental Services

What You Should Know About Dental Services?

We know that dentist services can be a little stressful – and not just because of the drills and floss. There’s so many different services out there, and it’s hard to know which ones are right for you. But never fear — you’ve found this handy blog to answer all your biting questions! We’ll cover […]

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