address201 Nicholson Street Abbotsford VIC 3067

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 5pm
  Contact : 03 9410 1077

Beautiful Smile

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost & Why?: Your Questions Answered

Teeth whitening is nothing to feel embarrassed about. It is very rare for someone to have perfectly white, shiny teeth over the course of their entire life. Over time, we all experience the natural yellowing of our teeth, even when we practise good and consistent oral hygiene. However, certain lifestyle choices will certainly exasperate this […]

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Veneers Tooth

How Long Dental Veneers Last & How You Can Get the Most Out of Them?

More often than not, dental veneers are a lifelong commitment. However, the lifespan of veneers themselves is far from lifelong. Depending on whether you choose porcelain or composite veneers, lifespans will vary. Either way, the answer to the question ‘do dental veneers last forever?’ is a resounding no. How Long Do Veneers Last on Your […]

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Dental Veneers

Are Dental Veneers & Gum Disease a Match Made in Heaven?

Cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry don’t often mix. While the former field concerns itself with aesthetics alone, the latter reaches the root of the matter, addressing dental health itself. So, on a surface level (cosmetic dentistry’s specialty), dental veneers and gum disease don’t match—in heaven or otherwise. On a plane beyond skin-deep, though, these two […]

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Teeth Whitening Kew

Is It True: Can You Really Permanently Whiten Your Teeth?

Wondering if the effects of professional teeth whitening are permanent? Everyone always wants their teeth to look their best, which is why teeth whitening treatments and products have taken the market by a storm recently. But these treatments are often met with scepticism since they are not a permanent solution to discolouration. If you are […]

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Dental Emergency Fitzroy-Abbotsford

Dental Emergency First Aid: What to Do to Help Save Your Teeth?

It is important to be well-versed in what to do if you have a tooth emergency. Suffering dental trauma can be painful and stressful, but if you’re already at least somewhat prepared, you’ll have a much easier time dealing with the situation. Knowing how to handle a dental emergency can mean the difference between losing […]

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