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Cosmetic Dentistry

Things You May Not Know About Dentures

There was a time when losing the natural teeth took a lot of sheen off the quality of life enjoyed. It dented the confidence and forces wreaked havoc on the self-esteem of the victims. Those were the days the dental technology was yet to advance as options were limited. The scenario is changed these days as prosthetics have made life a lot easier for those who have lost their natural teeth. For quite some times, dentures have become one of the most preferred options for those who have lost their natural teeth. However, dentures carry a lot of myths as well which stop people from benefitting completely.

Many people still consider dentures to be a long-term or permanent solution, which is not the same. Dentures won’t last forever however the dentist tells them to be of durable in nature. Similarly, they will lose their shine and natural appearance with age and brushing. Only fitting them won’t suffice as you need to take a great deal of care with them. You just can’t put them into hot water, you can’t let them drop off and you can use brush on them. Despite having fitted dentures, you will continue to see the dentist and this won’t end your dental problems.

Likewise, you should continue seek oral examination, gums checking and signs of oral cancer despite wearing dentures for long. Even if they were fitted perfectly once, you may find them loosening a bit due to tissue changes. Bad odour may come out of them and colour change is also not abnormal thing with them. If you did not take proper care, there will be stains and calculus making a hard layer and eroding the teeth structure and impacting the gums in a negative manner. What’s more, people will easily know you’re wearing dentures in case of bad fitting.

Dentures may click, they can feel like coming off the mouth and you may feel utterly unnatural wearing them when the fitting is not proper. Similarly, they may pose problems in eating or talking, but only when the dentist could not fit them properly. For some people, wearing dentures means relinquishing the freedom to eat their favourite food items or not being able to eat hard or sticky food items. Quite clearly, these things can impact the kind and quality of life in a great way. They may not be your natural teeth but they get impacted by medications in no less way.

What’s more, you should never risk repairing your dentures on own and you should consult the dentist for the same. The technology has improved a lot and the dentist won’t take long in repairing or adjusting your dentures. In a sense, you should trust the dentist to do the job for you and rather focus on taking proper care of your dentures. Your strategy should be to visit only a top dental clinic and trust only a renowned dentist for the task. The rest will fall into places automatically as you will get back your facial charms and smile for sure with dentures.

Courtesy of by Abhilash Tyagi


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