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Dental Implant Surgery

What to Expect: Does Dental Implant Surgery Hurt?

As you get older there is a possibility that you may lose one or more of your teeth, but, sadly, the tooth fairy doesn’t visit adults and senior citizens. Instead, you’ll need to visit the dentist. So you know what to expect though, the team at Abbotsford Dental have put together this quick guide to dental implants.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

It’s understandable to be worried about experiencing pain during any procedure, dental or not. However, there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to dental implants. During the procedure, your dentist will apply an anaesthetic to the affected area. Therefore, you won’t experience any pain during the procedure. You may feel a little discomfort though.

Most people rank the pain of getting dental implants beneath getting a tooth removed.

How to Manage Pain After Dental Implant Surgery?

Once the anaesthetic or numbing agent wears off, you may feel some pain. This is normal and your dentist will prescribe some pain medication and anti-inflammatories. Make sure you take the medication as prescribed to manage the pain adequately. Anti-inflammatory medicines are important because a lot of the pain experienced post-procedure is often a result of inflammation in the surrounding areas as well. Hence, it’s better to prevent it as much as possible.

You’ll find the majority of the pain you experience from the dental implant will be gone in the first 48 hours. Discomfort and soreness can last for 10–14 days but will slowly diminish during this time period.

What to Do If You Experience Pain In the Surrounding Teeth After a Dental Implant?

The typical discomfort and soreness experienced after getting a dental implant is usually localised to the implant. However if pain persists and is affecting the surrounding teeth, then you should book another appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

This persisting pain may be the result of an infection. Bacterial infections are easily treated with strong antibiotics. Your dentist may preemptively prescribe some antibiotics to minimise the risk of infection after your implant.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Once you have fully recovered, you’ll find that you can start enjoying all the great benefits that come with getting dental implants. You’ll find that your implant is practically indistinguishable from your natural teeth. As a result, you can enjoy eating a wide range of foods and will also not experience any issues with your speech. You are likely to also find yourself feeling less self-conscious about your smile.

There are lots of health benefits too. For instance, you’ll significantly reduce your risk of oral infections as your gum will no longer be exposed. a missing tooth exposes the gum, making it more prone to infections. Hence, if you’re trying to gauge the level of pain then there is some discomfort but not as much as a tooth extraction.

When it comes to dental implants, the benefits far outweigh the minimal pain or discomfort you may experience briefly after the procedure. If you’re interested in dental implants, have a chat with one of our friendly dentists to find out more.


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