address201 Nicholson Street Abbotsford VIC 3067

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8am to 5pm
  Contact : 03 9410 1077

Cosmetic Dentistry

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is everyone’s fairy godmother. It can transform discolored teeth back to its original color, it can replace a missing tooth with a synthetic one without you even noticing that it is a fake or it can save one of your teeth from danger with the use of veneers or tooth colored fillings. There […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Ways to Avoid a Painful Toothache

It has been said that there is no pain worse than a toothache. Images of what people will do to deal with this are branded into our consciousness through movies like Cast Away with Tom Hanks, Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman, and many others. I’m sure that you can think of a few others without […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Tips to Read Before Getting Invisalign

From the very first day when you walk into the dentist office, you think to yourself, this is going to suck! If you’re in good hands it makes it so much easier. The Orthodontist makes the difference to Invisalign’s success and failure.  If he is ambitious and thorough, you will most likely succeed through the […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Yellow Teeth – Causes and Treatment

Yellow teeth are more common than we think they are. It is man’s nature to look good at all times. Having a great smile is part of that. A Yellowish dentition can turn a pretty smile to an ugly smile. A smile which is flashing discolored dentition can be an undesirable sight to look at. […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Home Relief Of Tooth Pain

If there is one physical pain in the world that I could not bear, that is tooth pain. Back when I was a child, I would suffer toothache from eating chocolates and not brushing at once. I can’t imagine the pain it was giving me and I would stay up all night crying, thinking that […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentistry’s Holy Grail: Human Teeth Regeneration

Echoes of Kennedy’s Moon Shot In 2006, a group of scientists, with a bold ambitious plan, and modeled after President Kennedy’s manned lunar mission program, began laying out the foundations for Dentistry’s Holy Grail: whole human teeth regeneration. Like the NASA space program, the scientists come from a variety of backgrounds and implementing stem cell […]

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Cosmetic Dentistry

Root Canal Treatment: Facts and Myths

A trip to the dentist’s office is not always something you look forward to. Many people have been diagnosed with extreme anxiety on the onset of such a visit. Whether the problem is psychological or not, you need to gather courage to avoid future heartache courtesy of dental and oral health decline.Anxiety happens to the […]

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